
Projects List for The Author Helper Suite/Author Helper Academy

Author Helper Suite Support for Wide Publishing

NEWS – September 2023
AHS is currently supporting the Phase 1 implementation of reports for the following services (in addition to the already-supported KDP, of course).
  • Draft2Digital
  • Apple
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Google Play
  • Kobo (normal…not plus yet)

This is Phase 1, so things are admittedly a bit clunky. Please refer to the table below to see how we plan to progress over the next number of phases for wide publishing support.

Projects in research/development

Support for Wide service reports
LIVE ON AHSDraft2Digital, Kobo (not plus), Apple, B&N, and Google.

In PHASE 1 of wide-support and will only show information on the home page and book page without ads connected.
Support for Wide service reports
In DevelopmentSimplification of book assignment when a new item comes in that is not already in the AHS system.
Support for Wide service reports
LIVE ON AHSAllowing ads to be assigned to services for reporting accuracy.
Support for Wide service reports
LIVE ON AHSService selections on each page to allow granular filtering and report support per service.
Support for Wide service reports
UpcomingSupport for Kobo+
Support for Wide service reports
LIVE ON AHSSupport for Shopify.
Support for Findaway Voices
In DevelopmentSupport the manual upload of Findaway Voices report files for inclusion in revenue reports. ReaderLinks will not be supported.

Lastest Author Helper Suite Release Notes

SYSTEM UPDATE – Sept, 2023
  • We’ve added support for Wide publishing for D2D, Apple, B&N, Google, and Kobo (not Kobo+). This is Phase 1 of 6 phases. See table above for more details.
SYSTEM UPDATE – June, 2023
  • We’ve added a feature called ‘Segmentation’ which allows authors to organize their libraries in impermanent segments so they can experiment with bundling their books together for new perspectives on their data.
  • Unified Pen Names Report: We’ve launched a feature that offers a secondary homepage where authors can see data across pen names.
SYSTEM UPDATE – April, 2023
  • LinkFlow: Use LinkFlow to track the traffic from one link to another. This is a great way to see how well your readers are following your marketing paths.
SYSTEM UPDATE – February, 2023
  • Affiliate support: Launched an affiliate program for our fellow authors. Spread the word about AHS! Start here: https://theauthorhelper.com/the-author-helper-suite-affiliate-program/
SYSTEM UPDATE – December 12th, 2022
  • We’ve added columns for ad/promo spend to the ‘Sales Details’ tab on the homepage. This allows authors to see ROI per book on a single page.
SYSTEM UPDATE – September 18th, 2022
  • Amazon Attribution tags are now available on your RL links. It is a basic implementation that is following Amazon’s beta. Please carefully read our new help page regarding this change and how to use it.
  • You can now create RL links that go to the Goodreads review page. Before only the sales page was available. You can choose to send people to either one now. The MyBooks page review column will automatically send people to the review page. 
SYSTEM UPDATE – September 18th, 2022
  • You are now able to use the Author Helper Suite Facebook App. It will allow you to grab your Facebook Ads data much faster, and without the need for downloading and uploading reports. Note that it only goes back 7 days, so make sure you keep on top of it. 😉

Projects paused/parked

AMS auto ingestionPausedWe researched the ability to automatically pull in AMS ads in the same manner as Facebook Ads. However, Amazon's severely limits the functionality of this feature. We've paused development as we wait for some improvements.
Projects that have been "parked" until more information is gathered.

Recently launched projects

LinkFlowUse LinkFlow to track the traffic from one link to another. This is a great way to see how well your readers are following your marketing paths.
Unified Pen Names ReportLaunched a feature that offers a secondary homepage where authors can see data across pen names.
SegmentationLaunched a feature that allows authors to organize their books into impermanent segments. This allows authors to look at their data in new ways.
AHS Affiliate ProgramLaunched an affiliate program for our fellow authors. Spread the word about AHS! Start here: https://theauthorhelper.com/the-author-helper-suite-affiliate-program/
ROI breakdown per book on homepageAdded columns for ad/promo spend to the 'Sales Details' tab on the homepage. This allows authors to see ROI per book on a single page.
Amazon AttributionWorking on supporting the new Amazon Attribution tags.
Facebook Ads Auto-Ingesting.Connect to the Facebook Business API and automatically grab ads reports.
Sell-thru/Read-thru Report updateCompletely revamped the entire report, adding new features, and updating all the equations.
Author Helper Academy
Writer-to-Author: The Mental Game
This is a FREE course to help you make sure your compass is pointing in the direction YOU want as you work to get to the next level in your author career!
Author Helper Information PortalA way to show industry information that we hope will help authors improve their businesses!
Filter on main chartsAdding the ability to click on items to add/remove them from the chart report.

For example, if you click on Ebooks, it would hide the green Ebook bars from the chart. Click it again and they'll return.
Add Book NotesCreate a way to store notes on a per-book basis.
Manage Ads Assignments UpdateSpeed up the page loading for unassigned ads. If the author has a lot of historical ads (or assigned ads), the page can take quite a while to load.
ReaderTeams UpdateImprove the process for prompting readers to submit reviews, including an option to open an email to all the readers (using Blind Carbon Copying) so the author can send a direct email with the request without the need to copy all the email addresses by hand.
Manage Ads Assignments UpdateSimplify how ads are assigned. Allow filtering on ads in the list for speedier assignments.
Filter by CountryAllow authors to filter reports by country.
Series Performance ReportA new report based on Bonnie Paulson's ads analytics methodology.
Add link-click data for additional countries.To support the country filter, we want to track all the current marketplace click events we support.
Google Play affiliate supportAllow authors to put their affiliate code on Google Play links.
Tab-persistence on books pagesWhen an author changes from one book to another within the same series, make sure the system keeps them on the same tab.
Facebook Ads date-range importingAllow authors to import data weeks at a time instead of one day at a time.
QR CodesSet the system so that each link has a respective QR Code for authors to use.
TwitterTool APIThis has been abandoned due to Twitter's change requirements regarding the need for upgrading to v2. They have also made access to Elevated rights more challenging, so we've had to remove this tool for all new users.

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